Saturday, 9 July 2022

WEEK 9 | 4 JULY 2022 - 8 JULY 2022 | PdPR


Here we go.

Online class again.... Since the fever case increase as number of students affected, so KKM suggest school management for PdPR. Hence all students need to go back home to avoid the spread of the virus.

 Here we came, online class again.

My online class is everyday except Tuesday. Eventhough we undergone online class, but teachers still need to come to school as usual. The difference is there have no students at school.

All of us know that the effectivenes of PdPR is less than face to face class. Thats why I not like much on PdPR. But, we need to coorperate to avoid the spread. 

So, as usual, there had 3 or 4 students not attend my class due to internet coverage. I'm really pity to them but, I have gave them some notes in form of slide so that they can study themselves.

Our class starting from 8 and finished at 1.30 p.m. every subject only got 1 hour for each session. 

Hence there have a few information about SWOT that i have got.

S: Students less tired due to have a lot of time break

W: Some students not focus on class, do their things while teacher teaching

O: parents support school effort for PdPR

T: Some students need share the gadget with other sibling/ lack of internet coverage.

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