Saturday, 30 July 2022

WEEK 12 | 25 - 29 JULY 2022 | EXERCISE & QUIZ

 It's my pleasure as all the syllabus had been covered last week. 

So, as my planning going well, for this week I'm just focusing to do exercise and quiz for them.

As quiz are one of tools that including their mark for final exam, we have done 2 quiz and this week was the last as well. 

My 1 hour class will focus on the exercise that covered all chapter in this semester. My 2nd class undergone quiz and my 3rd class have done for exercise.

Unfortunately, there have some students got mark below 50. What should I do? As a punishment for them, and for their improvement, I created intervention session for them every evening so they can score at least the simple topics. 

Its a weird that they can do exercise, but problem in quiz. Maybe they forgot the formula. That was not my concern as in exam, the formulae will be provided.

S: Easiest method to memorize formulae

W: Lack of questions exercise

O: Students participate at most by using graphic

T: LCD problem

Saturday, 23 July 2022

WEEK 11 | 18 - 22 JULY | BOOST

 For this week, I need to finish all syllabus for all class that I teach. For form 1 class, we were entering for topic of linear equation. I really glad that this topic need only 3 hours to finish up the syllabus. Here, I taught 3methods for solve the linear equation which are graphing, elimination and substitution method.

However, most of them prefer for substitution method. This made me worried as sometimes the question mention which method they need to use. I pushed them to take note all of the method.

For form 5 class, we entered the topic of congruency. There have 4 types of transformation that students need to know which are translation, rotation, reflection and enlargement. Students afraid for rotation subtopics as they asked for center of rotation. However, I asked the to use compasses which are easiest way. 

Form 4 students, not so worried as we entered for last subtopics which covered all syllabus for this semester which is network graph. This topics need 1 hour only to finish and yet, students really excited for this topic because this is more to understanding and creativity.  They need to draw and think wisely.

For whole this week, I have made some SWOT in which, there are:

S: Most of last subtopic is the simple one as just need creativity of students

W: So many new terms for students to memorize

O: Support from school for extensive class program

T: Students sleepy in class as extensive class from evening to night

Saturday, 16 July 2022

WEEK 10 | 13 JULY 2022 - 15 JULY 2022 | EXAMINATION WEEK

 WEEK 10

 After full of different events, now it's time for the students to sit for formative assessments. My class schedule will be comprised of Form 1, Form 5 and Form 4 classes only on top of becoming the invigilator for the assessment. This gave me a chance to revise my lesson plan for Science that suits the need of my students.

For this week, the lesson emphasized the revision for my classrooms. Part of the class activities involved group activity for the students to handle appropriate instruments (metre ruler, calculator, and graph web). This time around I ensured to spell out the instruction as specific and crystal clear. As a consequence, the students were able to respond positively and follow my instruction very well. In the middle of the activity, students were guided inadvertently to equip personal projects with basic science skills. 

The only obstacle that I faced was I could not remember the name of muted students in the class which resulted in myself to call for volunteers in class. To make a serious effort in learning their names, I plan an Engagement activity by calling 2-3 students in every class to share their feelings. In this way, it will be easier for me to recognize the students while simultaneously creating a safe environment for the students to express their thoughts and emotional awareness..

Saturday, 9 July 2022

WEEK 9 | 4 JULY 2022 - 8 JULY 2022 | PdPR


Here we go.

Online class again.... Since the fever case increase as number of students affected, so KKM suggest school management for PdPR. Hence all students need to go back home to avoid the spread of the virus.

 Here we came, online class again.

My online class is everyday except Tuesday. Eventhough we undergone online class, but teachers still need to come to school as usual. The difference is there have no students at school.

All of us know that the effectivenes of PdPR is less than face to face class. Thats why I not like much on PdPR. But, we need to coorperate to avoid the spread. 

So, as usual, there had 3 or 4 students not attend my class due to internet coverage. I'm really pity to them but, I have gave them some notes in form of slide so that they can study themselves.

Our class starting from 8 and finished at 1.30 p.m. every subject only got 1 hour for each session. 

Hence there have a few information about SWOT that i have got.

S: Students less tired due to have a lot of time break

W: Some students not focus on class, do their things while teacher teaching

O: parents support school effort for PdPR

T: Some students need share the gadget with other sibling/ lack of internet coverage.

Saturday, 2 July 2022

WEEK 8 | 27 JUNE 2022 - 1 JULY 2022 | LOT OF PROGRAM!


Moving on to the next big event that was held on Saturday morning was the cross country running which involves running over undulating courses. This big event might sound brutal to some of the students with minimal fitness ability. Before the final event, students were exposed to the evening training with the trail outside the school in order to build up their stamina and strength. I was responsible for distributing the food and drinks to the students. We set up the place to distribute the food and drinks early in the morning with the help of the volunteers among students. Teachers and volunteers passed the drink after the race ended. We managed to handle the process smoothly due to the good cooperation given by teachers and volunteers. The distribution process finished early right before the prize-giving ceremony started. 

This week also full of sports program where I need to make sure the place of the program will be safe. In morning, we full of meeting to make sure the program will go perfect. For the class which affecting for the meeting, I need to leave homework so they not waste their time when I did not enter the class.

S: Additional handout prepared for students

W: Limited time due to meeting 

O: Students gave cooperation through discussion in group

T: Some students sleepy due to school physival activity